563 making a grand departure from Swanage.

563 Supporters Club

Help us keep the T3 in fine fettle so we can continue to tell 563’s story in steam!

We are now transitioning from a group focused on the rebuild to one looking after 563 in service, alongside fundraising for the overhaul of the T9.

Donations can be easily made online through Enthuse either as single on-off payment or a recurring monthly amount using the button below.

  • Set up a regular standing order directly with your bank to the following bank account details, with the payment reference ‘563 Supporters Club’ – Barclays Bank PLC (Poole, Dorset) Account number 93757269, Sort code 20-68-79.


  • Send a cheque marked ‘563 Supporters Club’ to – Swanage Railway Station House, Swanage, Dorset BH19 1HB.

Larger donations are still gratefully accepted as well. Major donors are directly managed by the 563LG Team so if you’re considering a larger donation please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us at 563locomotivegroup@swanagerailway.co.uk and we can discuss a range of incentives to help make justifying your donation that little bit easier!

No.563 is wholly owned by the Swanage Railway Trust, registered charity No.1087318. All funds generated in this fundraising effort are ring fenced for the support and conservation costs of LSWR T3, No.563. 

563 dismantled for assessment at the Flour Mill by Nick Lloyd.

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